Assunto: Intermediate agents in stimuling knowledge.
Autores: Julio Araujo Carneiro-da-Cunha, João Luiz Passador, Cláudia Souza Passador, Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo
Ano: 2015
Resumo: Inter-organisational local networks have become source of competitive advantage to immerse organisations when they create collaborative internal knowledge. Policy makers interact with these networks through intermediate agents to stimulate the collaborative activities across productive networks. This is particularly important to emerging economies, where specific regional competencies can be used to support competitive advantages. Based on this, a field research was conducted in the Birigüi shoes production Brazilian network in order to analyse the role of an intermediate agent in the knowledge transfer across network participants. It was verified that intermediate agents should better act as coordinators rather than enablers in networks with previous social legacy institutionalised.